Name | Type | Writable | Restrictions | Description |
createdAt | int | | | Creation date as Unix timestamp (In seconds)
fileName | string | V | | Name of the file for the upload token, can be empty when the upload token is created and will be updated internally after the file is uploaded
fileSize | float | V | | File size in bytes, can be empty when the upload token is created and will be updated internally after the file is uploaded
id | string | | | Upload token unique ID
partnerId | int | | | Partner ID of the upload token
status | KalturaUploadTokenStatus | | | Status of the upload token
updatedAt | int | | | Last update date as Unix timestamp (In seconds)
uploadedFileSize | float | | | Uploaded file size in bytes, can be used to identify how many bytes were uploaded before resuming
userId | string | | | User id for the upload token