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Kaltura API

Service Name user
Description Manage partner users on Kaltura's side
The userId in kaltura is the unique Id in the partner's system, and the [partnerId,Id] couple are unique key in kaltura's DB
Name Description
addAdds a new user to an existing account in the Kaltura database.
Input param $id is the unique identifier in the partner's system.
updateUpdates an existing user object.
You can also use this action to update the userId.
getRetrieves a user object for a specified user ID.
getByLoginIdRetrieves a user object for a user's login ID and partner ID.
A login ID is the email address used by a user to log into the system.
deleteDeletes a user from a partner account.
listLists user objects that are associated with an account.
Blocked users are listed unless you use a filter to exclude them.
Deleted users are not listed unless you use a filter to include them.
notifyBanNotifies that a user is banned from an account.
loginLogs a user into a partner account with a partner ID, a partner user ID (puser), and a user password.
loginByLoginIdLogs a user into a partner account with a user login ID and a user password.
updateLoginDataUpdates a user's login data: email, password, name.
resetPasswordReset user's password and send the user an email to generate a new one.
setInitialPasswordSet initial users password
enableLoginEnables a user to log into a partner account using an email address and a password
disableLoginDisables a user's ability to log into a partner account using an email address and a password.
You may use either a userId or a loginId parameter for this action.
indexIndex an entry by id.
checkLoginDataExistsAction which checks whther user login