Name | Type | Writable | Restrictions | Description |
appearInList | KalturaAppearInListType | V | | If category will be returned for list action.
contributionPolicy | KalturaContributionPolicyType | V | | who can assign entries to this category
createdAt | int | | | Creation date as Unix timestamp (In seconds)
defaultOrderBy | KalturaCategoryOrderBy | V | | Enable client side applications to define how to sort the category child categories
defaultPermissionLevel | KalturaCategoryUserPermissionLevel | V | | Default permissionLevel for new users
depth | int | | | |
description | string | V | | Category description
directEntriesCount | int | | | Number of entries that belong to this category directly
directSubCategoriesCount | int | | | Number of direct children categories
entriesCount | int | | | Number of entries in this Category (including child categories)
fullIds | string | | | The full ids of the Category
fullName | string | | | The full name of the Category
id | int | | | The id of the Category
inheritanceType | KalturaInheritanceType | V | | If Category members are inherited from parent category or set manualy.
inheritedParentId | int | | | The category id that this category inherit its members and members permission (for contribution and join)
membersCount | int | | | Number of active members for this category
moderation | KalturaNullableBoolean | V | | Moderation to add entries to this category by users that are not of permission level Manager or Moderator.
name | string | V | | The name of the Category.
The following characters are not allowed: '<', '>', ','
owner | string | V | | Category Owner (User id)
parentId | int | V | | |
partnerData | string | V | | Can be used to store various partner related data as a string
partnerId | int | | | |
partnerSortValue | int | V | | Can be used to store various partner related data as a numeric value
pendingEntriesCount | int | | | Nunber of pending moderation entries
pendingMembersCount | int | | | Number of pending members for this category
privacy | KalturaPrivacyType | V | | defines the privacy of the entries that assigned to this category
privacyContext | string | V | | Set privacy context for search entries that assiged to private and public categories. the entries will be private if the search context is set with those categories.
privacyContexts | string | | | comma separated parents that defines a privacyContext for search
referenceId | string | V | | Category external id, controlled and managed by the partner.
status | KalturaCategoryStatus | | | Status
tags | string | V | | Category tags
updatedAt | int | | | Update date as Unix timestamp (In seconds)
userJoinPolicy | KalturaUserJoinPolicyType | | | Who can ask to join this category