Name | Type | Writable | Restrictions | Description |
bitrate | int | V | | bitrate used in the last 10 seconds
bufferTime | int | V | | buffer time in seconds from the last 10 seconds
deliveryType | KalturaPlaybackProtocol | V | | delivery type used for this stream
entryId | string | V | | |
eventIndex | int | V | | incremental sequence of the event
eventType | KalturaLiveStatsEventType | V | | an integer representing the type of event being sent from the player
isLive | bool | V | | |
partnerId | int | V | | |
referrer | string | V | | the referrer of the client
sessionId | string | V | | a unique string generated by the client that will represent the client-side session: the primary component will pass it on to other components that sprout from it
startTime | string | V | | the event start time as string