In order to reduce the number of round-trips to Kaltura server, when required to perform few API calls, Kaltura API offers a multiRequest service.
Using that service, you can pass multiple requests in one REST request and you are returned with array of results, where each element is a result of one of your requests.
The multiRequest service also allows you to send sequential requests where one request can depend on one of its preceding requests.
Following is example for 2 sequential requests that are independant.
Request URL: api_v3/index.php?service=multirequest&action=null POST variables: 1:service=baseEntry 1:action=get 1:version=-1 1:entryId=0_zsadqv3e 2:service=mixing 2:action=getReadyMediaEntries 2:mixId=0_zsadqv3e 2:version=-1 ks={ks}
For creating a dependant requests, you can use the following pattern as input in the variable that you want to have its value replaced with a result from a preceding request
Request URL: api_v3/index.php?service=multirequest&action=null POST variables: 1:service=media 1:action=list 1:filter:nameLike=myentry 2:service=media 2:action=get 2:entryId={1:result:objects:0:id} ks={ks}
In the above example, the first request will list entries that their name is like 'myentry'.
media.list request is returning an object of type KalturaMediaListResponse which contains an object named 'objects' of type KalturaMediaEntryArray
The second request is media.get which suppose to get entryId as input.
In this example, the entryId input is dynamic, and will be fetched from the first request. Since media.list response is constructed of array object within a response object, the first property we want to access is KalturaMediaEntryArray