Name | Type | Writable | Restrictions | Description |
anamorphicPixels | float | V | | |
aspectRatioProcessingMode | int | V | | |
audioBitrate | int | V | | The audio bitrate (in KBits) of the Flavor Params
audioChannels | int | V | | The number of audio channels for "downmixing"
audioCodec | KalturaAudioCodec | V | | The audio codec of the Flavor Params
audioSampleRate | int | V | | The audio sample rate of the Flavor Params
clipDuration | int | V | | |
clipOffset | int | V | | |
conversionEngines | string | V | | The list of conversion engines (comma separated)
conversionEnginesExtraParams | string | V | | The list of conversion engines extra params (separated with "|")
deinterlice | int | V | | |
engineVersion | int | V | | |
forceFrameToMultiplication16 | int | V | | |
format | KalturaContainerFormat | V | | The container format of the Flavor Params
frameRate | int | V | | The frame rate of the Flavor Params
gopSize | int | V | | The gop size of the Flavor Params
height | int | V | | The desired height of the Flavor Params
isAvoidForcedKeyFrames | int | V | | |
isAvoidVideoShrinkBitrateToSource | int | V | | |
isAvoidVideoShrinkFramesizeToSource | int | V | | |
isCropIMX | int | V | | |
isGopInSec | int | V | | |
isVideoFrameRateForLowBrAppleHls | int | V | | |
maxFrameRate | int | V | | |
multiStream | string | V | | |
operators | string | V | | |
optimizationPolicy | int | V | | |
rotate | int | V | | |
twoPass | bool | V | | |
videoBitrate | int | V | | The video bitrate (in KBits) of the Flavor Params
videoBitrateTolerance | int | V | | |
videoCodec | KalturaVideoCodec | V | | The video codec of the Flavor Params
videoConstantBitrate | int | V | | |
watermarkData | string | V | | |
width | int | V | | The desired width of the Flavor Params